Your pressure cleaning specialist in Vaudreuil and West Island
Contact our pressure cleaning experts
Whether it’s cleaning your windows or gutters or any other type of pressure cleaning , our team of maintenance specialists is here to make your commercial and residential buildings look like new!
The dirt that impregnates the exterior cladding of your building gives it a neglected appearance? Remedy the situation efficiently and quickly with our pressure cleaning service. Our team of professionals takes care of each step of the cleaning so that you can find a building almost like new.
Also take the opportunity to use our gutter and window cleaning service. You will benefit from better lighting in addition to protecting your building from the damage that clogged gutters can cause.
For any questions or comments, call or write us by filling out the form below. The estimate for our pressure cleaning , window cleaning or gutter cleaning services is free and we have full insurance coverage.
Get your free estimate now
588, rue Aimé
Les Cèdres, QC J7T 1G6
Opening hours
Monday to Fridayfrom 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.